Sunday, 29 September 2013

Do You Need a Private Server for Forex Trading?

First of all what is a Virtual Private Server and why should automated traders use one? A Virtual Private Server is a dedicated piece of a server in a high specification data centre, it is built never fail - to allow automated traders the piece of mind knowing their MT4 platform will always be on, taking and closing trades, as it should. 

The Virtual Server runs on high end servers, has multiple networks feeding it, has no single point of hardware failure so its reliable and secure for Forex Trading, if you combine that with the reduction in latency achieved by using a VPS, it is a must for people using EA's to trade the Forex markets. The lower your latency is the more chance you have of getting filled at the best price and more chance of making money on the specific trade. Traders benefit from the same technology only normally found in major data centers. Traders use a Remote Desktop client to easily access the virtual windows environment. Programs run on the hosted server - inside the virtual environment. This allows the trader to close the remote desktop client and even shut down their computer, while leaving applications running normally inside the virtual environment. 

VPS's also benefit from bandwidth speeds unparallelled on most home machines, while requiring minimal Internet bandwidth to support the desktop connection. Trading applications benefit from the extremely high speeds and low latency connectivity of a hosted server. One of the key factors is the Virtual Desktop keeps running, even if you lose your Internet connection or say your laptop runs out of battery. The Internet speed to your virtual desktop remains steadfast, regardless of your own connection speed or connectivity. 

To gain the best from automated Expert Advisers, you need to subscribe to a VPS service. You might need to do a bit of research to make sure that your robot is suited to the right Forex broker. Search the forums for advice on this issue. Traders no longer sit before their desktops for days on end when buying and selling foreign exchange. 
VPS provides traders an opportunity to take advantage of latest telecommunication technology. The new hosting service offers you peace of mind as it would function independent of your PC. Whether your PC has developed a technical snag or there is a power outage, you don't have to worry about data storage or backup as it is hosting company that would take care of your data backup requirement too. 

Forex Servers offers a hassle free trading environment. With the new service, there will be little stress as the VPS won't reboot when you are trading. The high up-time facility provided by the service provider would limit your frustrations whilst taking or setting up a trade. Virtual is your dedicated server where there is no apprehension in making large financial transactions. 
Working out a good Forex setup is just one of many "pieces of the puzzle"; there are many other factors that determine whether and how much you will profit. Those things include the VPS you choose, which influences the latency to your broker's server, the broker you choose, which influences the prices and slippage you get and also, however absurd it may seem at the first sight, how you can handle your emotions when trading. 

You should be able to get services from your VPS as if it was your own private server. This is to ensure the privacy of your server as well as complete control of it. You must also get your own dedicated IP with your server so that you are secured at all times. This will make sure that your server will perform like a dedicated server and will also give you features like a dedicated server too. 

The points mentioned above do not include everything but merely a brief on how you can select an appropriate VPS service for your needs, the 2 most important factors of all: 
• Rapid trade execution via lightning fast response times with your brokerage 
• A stable, robust, reliable and easily accessible trading platform that runs 24-7. 

When you are able to get the best technology then you can always stay ahead in your business. We realize Forex can seem daunting at first glance, that is why we have produced a short blueprint regarding trading signals. Success in automated trading does not come easy but with a little help, you can start to achieve your financial goals!


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